

How Is Propane Made?

Propane, one of the most widely used fuels in the United States, is a naturally occurring gas and is similar to butane and crude oil. Propane typically fuels outdoor grills, air conditioners, water heaters, and residential furnaces. In some rural areas, propane-fueled equipment is vital to dry crops and control pests. Apart from being affordable, this naturally occurring gas is environmentally friendly and plentiful. Learn more about its origins and the extraction process.

Accidental Discovery

The discovery of some of the most fascinating inventions was by accident, including propane. Dr. Walter Snelling had a “eureka” moment after he noticed his gas’s cork from a fueling station kept coming off. Once he learned gasoline contained volatiles, Dr. Snelling used this knowledge to separate gasoline into its separate liquid and gas components—thus, extracting propane, butane, and other hydrocarbons.

A Useful Byproduct

Propane is a byproduct of crude oil filtering and the processing of natural gas. The other elements extracted from the processing of natural gas are butane, hydrocarbons, methane, and ethane. Hydrocarbons are created through the reaction and decomposition of organic matter over many years. After its release from oil fields, natural gas goes through separation and refining before ending up in your home. Liquefied petroleum gases such as propane can convert to liquid under low pressure, making it easier to transport and store this energy source.

The Separation Process

The process starts by drilling oil wells to pipe out a hydrocarbon mixture of oil and gas into a gas trap. This separates the stream into wet gas and crude oil. It is the damp gas that contains liquefied petroleum gases, natural gasoline, and natural gas. Crude oil goes to the bottom of the trap because it is heavier. It then goes into a storage tank for later refinement. It is usually easier to get propane from the “wet gas” mixture. Through a series of chemical processes, a small but useful amount of propane can be extracted from crude oil. It can be used to make ethylene or as fuel for refineries.

The wet gas undergoes piping, cooling, and pumping in a gasoline absorption plant to separate liquefied petroleum gases and natural gas. What remains is methane, which the manufacturer pumps to towns for distribution. The absorbing oil contains hydrocarbons, which are typically boiled off. The absorbing oil, now free of hydrocarbons, returns to the absorber to repeat the process. After boiling off the hydrocarbons the petroleum mixture—or “wild gasoline”—is left. The extraction of natural liquid gasoline occurs from the bottom; a blend of liquefied petroleum gases goes to the top for extraction. That blend of liquefied petroleum gases can be further split into isobutene, butane, and propane.

Hopkins Propane provides propane tank installation and services for affordable, clean, and practical energy solutions throughout West Michigan. We offer setting tanks from 57 gallons to 2,400 gallons or larger for a variety of uses. Contact us today to learn how more about our services and we can fit your current budget.

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The Many Uses of Propane

With summer right around the corner, it’s about time to start having barbeques. For many grillers, this means refilling their propane tanks. However, propane can be used for many other purposes.

Heating Your Home and Appliances

A propane tank is an efficient source of energy for your whole home. By having a propane tank hooked up to your home, you can use it to power your furnace, heat your water, and cook food on your stove. Propane is a more cost-effective energy source than electricity, especially for heating your home. Propane heaters also provide a bit of humidity to keep the air in your home from getting dry, which is a common problem with electric heat.

Backup Power

Backup generators for homes are often powered by propane. If the electricity goes out at your house, propane will help keep the power running. Plus, appliances that use gas, like a stove or oven, can still be used to cook meals during blackouts. Even if your power doesn’t go out, it’s good to know that you have a backup plan.

Outdoor Spaces

Propane is sometimes associated with summer because of how often it’s used for grills. But fire pits that are propane-powered have become increasingly popular because they’re easy to use. Gone are the days of having to gather a large pile of wood and watch over your fire all night to keep it going. Of course, people also use propane for their grills and smokers. Cooking meat, like burgers and steaks, outside prevents your home from smelling like smoke and food.

With all sorts of uses, propane is a popular fuel source that powers several aspects of your home. At Hopkins Propane, we’re a family-owned business that’s provided West Michigan with reliable propane services for decades. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, call (269) 792-7205 or contact us online.

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In fact, you may be able to order it from this trusted pharmacy instead of one of the pharmacies listed under the heading Online over the counter. Ivermectin can be made available online without a prescription for you to obtain a prescription from a doctor, which will need to be renewed yearly for the treatment and must be filled through the Pharmacy Benefit Transfer Program Also, most online stores need a license to supply the product through. There are two products that were approved by the FDA for acute myalgic encephalomyelitis, was a prescription medication approved in 1980 that used a beta-blocker, also referred to as 2-step active products, or 2-ST and 2-ST-Ivermectin. How to buy Buy Ivermectin online without a prescription method can be cheaper and quicker if you do not have a license for a licensed pharmacy if the license is for this purpose (for a limited period of time). Ivermectin is one of the most common method of ordering Ivermectin without a prescription instead of filling out a prescription or going to a pharmacy. You must make sure that you order from a certified retailer, even if you can also Ivermectin from another source such as a health club if you cannot bring it yourself.


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COVID-19 Precautions

Dear Customers,

For the safety and health of our workers and the community, we will be closing our office to the public for the next couple weeks. We ask that you call to place orders or make payments or you can utilize our web services for both as well. You are welcome to drop payment off in our drop box at the office if you would like and our staff is still here to help if you call. We appreciate your patience at this time and expect to be back to normal operations in the next couple weeks. We will keep you updated.

Thank you,

Hopkins Propane

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WOOD Radio Talk of the Town Interview

Hopkins Propane talked with Steve Kelly & Bret Bakita on WOOD Radio’s Talk of the Town.

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Talking with MPGA about propane autogas.

Hopkins propane talked with the Michigan Propane Gas Association at the annual Home Builders Association clay shoot in Zeeland regarding propane autogas.

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June Pricing Programs NOW Available Through 6-30-19

It may be seem like a long way out now, but it won’t be long before it’s chilly outside again!  Contact us today and be prepared for the upcoming heating season with our Pre-Buy, Price-Cap, and Budget programs which are only available for a limited time.  Our pricing programs are designed to alleviate any price fluctuations during the year and provide you with peace of mind.  Contact us today for more information and to sign up before the 6-30-19 deadline!

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Thank you, EightWest, for Visiting Hopkins Propane!

Rachael Ruiz, from WoodTV 8’s EightWest, visited us in June 2018 to learn more about propane.  Click to read the original article and watch the full video: https://www.woodtv.com/eightwest/find-out-more-about-the-uses-for-propane/1273158857

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What if You Suspect a Gas Leak?

Fortunately, gas leaks do not happen that often, but when they do, it’s very important to call a qualified professional right away to help you.  This short video below explains the simple steps you need to take in the event of a suspected gas leak to make sure you and your family are safe.

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